
Online Facilitation- Facilitation Models and Tools

Hi Prospective Facilitators! Welcome to the third post in the series on Online Facilitation .  Today I will be discussing  Online Facilitation Models and some useful Facilitation Tools . Image created by author using Canva Introduction The literature of online learning encourages the use of facilitation models and tools, this in order to be fully prepared and competently execute the various roles adopted when one becomes an online facilitator. The models and tools provide practical, useful, and valuable techniques on how to operate in the online learning space. This is beneficial to both the facilitator and the learners. In the article from the Australian Training Authority (2002), it is noted that facilitation models and tools form the basis of a framework for measuring the effectiveness of online facilitation.  Facilitation Models & Tools Some online facilitation models include: Hootstein's "Four pairs of shoes" Berg's model Gilly Salmon Model Community of...

Online Facilitation- Creating Online Facilitation Charter

Hi Prospective Facilitators! Welcome to the first post in a four part series on: Online Facilitation . Image created by author using Canva In this post I will speak about Creating Online Facilitation Charters . When you hear the term "Online Facilitation Charter", what comes to mind?  If you said a plan/guide to deliver instructional content in the online learning environment, you are absolutely correct👍 Online Facilitation Charter: Why? Facilitating online courses requires great work and consideration. Some persons are of the view that you just do what you were doing in the face-to-face class, only in this case on a virtual learning platform; this is quite the misconception.  Mintz(2020) posits that, high-quality online teaching is more difficult and demanding than its face-to-face counterpart. It requires more upfront planning, preparation, and more individualized feedback and assistance. We can see that having a good facilitation charter would be very essential to plannin...

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Online Resources

Hi Prospective Facilitators! Can you believe we are at our fourth and final post in the series on Online Facilitation! Yes, ALL good things must come to an end😊 Today we will be looking at the whole matter of : Evaluating the Effectiveness of Online Resources Image courtesy of Google images Evaluating Online Resources: Ensuring Effectiveness Evaluating resources becomes necessary when we consider the volume of information and data that is generated on a daily basis. Gone are the days when information and access to same was a privilege and not a right. Before the invention of the 'Printing Press' and the ability to generate multiple copies of printed resources. Now it is the era of technology and we have the Worldwide Web where there is an overload of information in all formats. Though this is now the case, as consumers and creators of content, we have to be very mindful of the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of these resources; especially in the online space.  Pappas ...

Online Facilitation- Using Collaborative Tools for Information Sharing

 Hi Prospective Facilitators, Welcome to the second post  in the series on Online Facilitation . I am here with another informational and intriguing topic. Today we will be looking at the U se of collaborative tools in the online space , to share information . What are Collaborative Tools? Essentially, collaborative tools are applications and software that allow people to work together in a more effective and efficient manner. Collaborative tools are used in organizations and also in education.  Advantages of collaborative tools: Facilitators/Instructor Perspective These tools help facilitators to monitor what students do in their teams, assess the levels of contribution by each member/student, streamline group/team activities, time saving, instructions or messages can be sent to one place for multiple persons to access, assigning individual task even while being in groups, encourage participation and team comradery. Advantages of collaborative tools: Student Pe...